Two courses, one goal…
The Marriage Course美滿婚姻課程
Seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.七堂課程,旨在幫助夫婦投資他們的關係,並建立一個強健的婚姻。

The Pre-Marriage Course 美滿婚姻預備課程
Five sessions to help engaged couples or those exploring marriage, build strong foundations for their future together.
According to our survey: 根據我們的調查
99% of guests said the course had a positive impact on their relationship. 有99%的來賓表示,這課程對他們的關係產生積極正面的影響。
73% of guests experienced significant improvement in their relationship from the course. 有73% 的來賓從課程中,體驗到他們之間的關係有重大改善。
Try a course online嘗試一個線上課程
Unable to attend a physical course?
Try one online from the comforts of your own home.
就從自己舒服的家起,體驗辦一個線上課程吧 !
Run a course online – for free開辦一個線上課程-免費
As many of us are unable to gather in person, why not consider running The Marriage Course or The Pre-Marriage Course online for your community and friends?
We thought our marriage was pretty great already, but even doing the first session has shown us that there are ways we can make it even better! We can’t wait for the rest of the course!
via Instagram