The Marriage Courses 美滿婚姻課程
What is The Marriage Course? 美滿婚姻課程是什麼 ?
The Marriage Course is for any couple looking to invest in their relationship. 美滿婚姻課程適合任何想要投資他們關係的夫婦。
The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. 美滿婚姻課程是一系列七堂課,旨在説明夫妻投資他們的關係,並建立健全的婚姻。
The Pre-Marriage Course is a series of five sessions to help engaged couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage, build strong foundations for their future together. 美滿婚姻預備課程是一系列五堂課,旨在幫助訂婚情侶或那些探索及想進入婚姻的人,為他們的未來奠定堅實的基礎。
What does it look like? 它看起來像什麼樣子 ?

Food 食物
Each session begins with couples eating together. This gives guests a chance to unwind and connect before the session’s episode. It also helps to create the atmosphere of a date.
Talk 對話
The episodes are around 45 minutes in length, with breaks for conversations. Each episode explores a different topic through real experiences, expert insights, and relevant teaching.
Discussion 討論
Providing space for couples to have private, intimate conversations is a must for every course. It helps enable couples to engage openly and honestly throughout the session.
Find a Course in your area 在你所處的地區 找到一個課程
The Marriage Course is running across the globe. Search below for a Course being hosted near you. There’s no cost, no pressure, and no follow-up if you decide after the first session not to come back. Courses are typically 5 or 7 weeks long.
美滿婚姻課程正在全球各地開辦中。 在下面可搜索你正進行的課程。 沒有成本,沒有壓力,如果你參加第一次課程後,決定不參加,也不會有跟進。 本課程通常為5或7周。