Share life, faith, hope and Jesus

People are longing for hope, purpose and meaning. A gift to Alpha could help someone find this through a relationship with Jesus.

Give the gift of the gospel 送出 福音的大禮

We give Alpha away for free because we believe the church can be the catalyst for change and we want to remove the barriers to that being possible. Church leaders around the world can access Alpha’s talks and training resources online, equipping them to run Alpha effectively, and at no cost to the guest. When this happens, the church provides more opportunities for people to encounter Jesus.
我們免費送出 啟發,是因為我們相信教會可以成為轉變的催化劑,我們希望移除實現這項目標的障礙。 世界各地的教會領袖都可以在線使用 啟發 的演講和培訓資源,讓他們能夠有效地運行啟發,而且賓客無需支付任何費用。 當這種情況發生時,教會將會為人們提供更多與耶穌相遇的機會

Alpha is entirely funded by voluntary donations from people who are passionate about evangelism. Please partner with us to see lives transformed by the gospel.
啟發的資金完全來自於熱心傳福音的人的自願奉獻。 請與我們合作,見證福音改變生命。

Why give a monthly donation? 每月 捐款

Our work helps thousands of churches around the world run Alpha every year. A monthly gift enables us to equip them to give someone the opportunity to do Alpha in their local community and hear the gospel of Jesus for free.
世界各地每年有成千上萬的教會 開辦 啟發。 每月的禮物使我們能夠裝備他們,讓他們有機會在當地社區做 啟發活動,並免費聆聽耶穌的福音。

‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’

Matthew 28:19 馬太福音 28 : 19

What will my gift go towards? 我的禮物將何去何從?

Creating New Content 開創新的內容

Creating content and new training for church leaders, hosts and helpers, and developing it quickly to support churches going online. This means translation into even more Asian languages, like the Alpha Film Series that is currently being translated into Chinese, Hindi, and Bahasa Indonesia.
為教會領袖、主人和幫手創建內容和新培訓,並快速開發以支援教會上線。 這意味著翻譯成更多的亞洲語言,例如目前正在翻譯成中文、印度語和印尼語的啟發影片系列。

Training and Equipping Leaders 培訓和裝備領袖

Equipping staff to engage and provide training opportunities for churches to run Alpha Online effectively. This extends to engaging with local pastors and teams of volunteers – to train, to support, to encourage and to pray for them.
裝備員工參與並為教會提供培訓機會,以有效開辦 線上啟發。 這延伸到與當地牧師和志願者團隊接觸—培訓、支持、鼓勵和為他們祈禱。

Increasing Organisational Capacity 提高組織能力

All of our work is supported by our financial and operational teams, alongside our marketing and communications teams, to ensure the best stewardship of our people and resources. This increases our capacity and effectiveness in serving the Church digitally and in-person.
我們的所有工作都得到我們的財務和運營團隊以及營銷和傳播團隊的支持,以確保對我們的人員和資源進行最佳管理。 這提高了我們以數字方式和面對面服務教會的能力和效率。

Give to Alpha and help see the church reach millions of people and introduce them to a personal relationship with Jesus. Your donation will go to support the growth of Alpha in the Asia-Pacific region.
給啟發 並幫助看到教會接觸數百萬人,並向他們介紹與耶穌的個人關係。 您的奉獻將用於支持 啟發 在亞太地區的發展。

Contact us

If you would like to discuss your gift with us, we would be delighted to hear from you.如果您想與我們討論您的禮物,我們將很高興收到您的來信。

Please email us at [email protected]. 請給我們發電子郵件 [email protected].

Alpha International is governed by UK charity law and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.
We are committed to abide by the code of fundraising practise and to the fundraising promise.

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