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關於啟發About Alpha

We are by the Church, for the Church and through the Church

Alpha began at a church called Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) in London in 1977, it was taken by Nicky Gumbel in 1990 and repositioned as a course for those outside the church. The number of people attending Alpha at HTB grew quickly into the hundreds and attracted the attention of other churches across denominations seeking to find an effective tool for evangelism.

啟發課程於 1977 年在倫敦聖三一普頓堂 (HTB) 教堂開始,1990 年由甘力克 (Nicky Gumbel)牧師接手啟發課程,並重新針對為慕道友設計課程。 在 HTB 參加啟發課程的人數迅速增加到數百人,並引起了各宗派其他教會的注意,尋求找到有效的傳福音工具。

This led to the first Alpha conference in 1993 at HTB where over 1000 church leaders attended to learn about Alpha and how to use it in their congregation. As interest grew Alpha conferences were organized internationally and the original Alpha Film Series was filmed in 1994 to make it accessible to the widest possible audience.

這促成了 1993 年在 HTB 舉行的第一次 啟發會議,1000 多名教會領袖參加了會議,了解啟發以及如何在他們的會眾中使用它。 隨著有興趣的人增長,啟發會議在國際上組織起來,最初的啟發課程系列影片於 1994 年拍攝,盡可能讓更多的觀眾接觸到它。

Now all over the world millions of people have experienced Alpha and it has been translated into over 100 different languages. The Alpha Talks have been repackaged for today’s audience in the Alpha Film Series and the Alpha Youth Series was created to reach a younger generation with the Gospel. Even as times have changed, the Alpha course has continued to be used by the church as an effective tool to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
現在全世界有數百萬人體驗過啟發課程 ,它已被翻譯成 100 多種不同的語言。 在啟發全民版系列影片中為今天的觀眾重新設計了啟發講座,而創建了啟發青年系列是為了透過福音接觸年輕一代。 即使時代變了,啟發課程仍繼續被教會用作將耶穌基督的福音傳給失喪者的有效工具。

In 2020, Alpha courses went online. Churches are now able to run the Alpha sessions online through various video conferencing platforms. Learn more about Alpha online.
2020年,啟發課程轉為線上。 教會現在可以通過各種視訊會議平台,線上進行啟發課程。 線上了解有關啟發的更多信息。

We are passionate about unity 我們熱愛團隊

The Alpha Course is created to emphasize the essentials that all denominations agree on. We believe that what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. The Alpha Course is an effective form of evangelism when done by and through the local church. By focusing on the essentials of the Christian faith, it opens the door for Alpha to be used in almost any context so that everyone has the opportunity to see their friends’ lives transformed by the gospel.
啟發課程是一種有效的傳福音方式,由當地教會或通過當地教會完成。 通過專注認識基督教信仰的本質,它為啟發課程幾乎在任何情況下使用打開了大門,讓每個人都有機會看到他們朋友的生活被福音改變了。

We believe the church deserves the best 我們相信教會值得最好的

Our goal is to continually support the church with resources and tools that help create a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about Jesus. The Alpha Film Series and Alpha Youth Series were designed to take guests on a journey of faith over multiple weeks. Each session covers a key element of the gospel in a way that is easy-to-follow and leaves space for people to explore their questions about life, faith, and God.
我們的目標是不斷地用資源和工具支持教會,幫助創造一個空間,讓人們興奮地帶他們的朋友來談論耶穌。 啟發全民版系列和啟發青年系列影片目的在帶領來賓在數週內踏上信仰之旅。 每節課都以一種易於進行的方式涵蓋了福音的一個關鍵要素,並為人們留出空間來探索他們關於生命、信仰和上帝的問題。

We give it all away 我們把這一切奉獻出去

Our goal is to continually support the church with resources and tools that help create a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about Jesus. The Alpha Film Series and Alpha Youth Series were designed to take guests on a journey of faith over multiple weeks. Each session covers a key element of the gospel in a way that is easy-to-follow and leaves space for people to explore their questions about life, faith, and God.
我們的目標是不斷地用資源和工具支持教會,幫助創造一個空間,讓人們興奮地帶他們的朋友來談論耶穌。 啟發全民版系列和啟發青年系列影片目的在帶領來賓在數週內踏上信仰之旅。 每節課都以一種易於進行的方式涵蓋了福音的一個關鍵要素,並為人們留出空間來探索他們關於生命、信仰和上帝的問題。