After Alpha 啟發跟進
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Discipleship and formation 門徒訓練和培養
Once a guest has finished Alpha, online or in person, it is essential that there is an intentional process of ongoing formation in place to help people continue to grow as missionary disciples.在來賓在線上或實體完成啟發课程,就必須持續幫助他們更多認識信仰,帶領人來更多認識耶穌。
Process – The single most important thing a parish can do is move from a programme-based model of mission to a process-based model. The move to online ministry in parishes also adds to the increasing possibilities to engage guests in a flexible process of formation after Alpha.流程 – 教區可以做的最重要的事情就是讓來賓從認識信仰轉變為持續走在信仰當中。 在教區轉變成線上事工也增加了讓來賓在參加啟發之後增加可以持續跟進的機會。
Whatever particular form this might take – groups, praise and worship events, meeting in pairs or threes – creating and normalising a culture of lifelong evangelisation and disciple formation is vital if the post-Alpha journey is to be effective and long lasting.無論會使用何種方式聚集——小組、讚美和敬拜活動、兩個或三人聚會——如果啟發之旅後要有效和持久,建造和幫助持續傳福音、門徒培養的文化是非常重要的。
Some great ideas for how to develop this part of the discipleship journey can be found here. 可以在這裡找到有關如何展開門徒訓練的一些方法。
Parishes that have helped people continue their journey of discipleship successfully after Alpha have usually helped them to commit to 6 key areas for growth:幫助人們在啟發之後成功繼續門徒訓練之旅的教區,通常幫助他們針對於 6 個關鍵領域的成長:
- Prayer – Guests are encouraged to encounter God through daily prayer, learning to read scripture and pray with it, as well as learning the practicalities of prayer, drawing on all the riches of the Church’s spiritual traditions such as The Rosary, Lectio Divina and intercession.祈禱 – 鼓勵琳濱通過每日祈禱與上帝相遇,學習閱讀聖經並用它祈禱,以及學習祈禱的重要性,利用教會精神傳統的所有資源,如玫瑰經、聖言和代禱。
- Worship – Contemporary forms of praise and worship are also a key part of guests growing in relationship with God. Ultimately guests will be led to the regular celebration of the Mass as the pinnacle of worship and encounter with God.
敬拜——當代形式的讚美和敬拜也是來賓與上帝建立關係的關鍵部分。 最終,來賓將被帶到定期舉行的彌撒,作為敬拜和與上帝相遇的高峰。 - Service – Releasing guests into service by empowering them to play their part in the mission of the Church as quickly as possible is vital for growth as a disciple. For some guests, who would fit well on the team, this will mean inviting them to return to serve on Alpha as a helper. Discernment of who the right people are to invite back is crucial so that the Alpha experience continues to be positive for new guests. For guests who don’t return as part of the Alpha team, they can be encouraged into service in other areas in the parish according to their giftings.
服事—透過幫助來賓儘快在教會的使命中,發揮自己的作用,讓他們參與服事,這對於門徒的成長至關重要。 對於一些非常適合團隊的來賓來說,這意味著邀請他們回到啟發擔任小幫手。 了解哪些人適合邀請回來很重要,這樣啟發體驗,才能繼續對新的來賓產生好的影響。 對於無法成為啟發團隊成員的來賓,可以根據他們的恩賜鼓勵他們在牧區的其他區域服務。 - Learning – Growth will necessarily mean being fed. Guests will grow by continuing a lifelong journey of learning the Bible and the Church’s teaching. This is a continuous process through the whole of life. There are lots of great resources to help parishes with this part of the discipleship journey. See more details below.
學習 – 成長代表著被喂養。 來賓將透過繼續學習聖經和活在信仰當中而成長。 這是貫穿整個生命的一個持續過程。 有很多很好的資源,可以幫助牧區完成這部分門徒訓練。 查看下面的更多詳細信息。 - Community/Relationships – It is crucial that guests build Christian friendships in the parish after Alpha in whatever way works best for them. The support and accountability of Christian friendships is key to growing as a disciple. It is important that the Alpha team are not their only link to the parish and that guests are introduced to other ministries in the parish and to a wider group of people outside of their Alpha group.
社區/關係—很重要的是,來賓在啟發之後以最適合他們的方式在牧區建立基督信仰小團體。 基督信仰小團體的支持和責任是門徒成長的關鍵。 重要的是啟發團隊不是他們與牧區的唯一關係,並且將來賓介紹給牧區的其他牧師,以及他們的啟發小組之外的更多人。 - Giving – The last key area of growth as a disciple is encouraging guests to participate in the life of the parish fully by giving financially and seeing the part they play in the flourishing of the parish’s life and mission, which is not possible without financial giving.奉獻—作為門徒的最後一個關鍵成長領域是鼓勵來賓透過奉獻和看到他們在牧區生活和使命的繁榮中發揮的作用來充分參與牧區的生活,這在沒有經濟捐助的情況下是不可能的。
The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) connects well with these 6 key areas for growth. The 6 areas for growth can become the living context in which the RCIA is celebrated. It is important that the main ingredients of Alpha – hospitality/connection, worship, engaging content, discussion and prayer (ministry) are included in the RCIA experience so that guests can transition smoothly from Alpha.
RCIA(成人基督徒入會儀式)與這 6 個關鍵的成長領域緊密相連。 這 6 個增長領域可以成為慶祝 RCIA 的生活環境。 重要的是,啟發的主要成分——熱情款待/連接、敬拜、吸引人的內容、討論和祈禱(事工)都包含在 RCIA 體驗中,以便來賓可以順利地從啟發過渡。
Giles Chanson, Sainte Blandine Lyon, France 賈爾斯·香森 , 法國 里昂 聖布蘭丁
‘I had been a lapsed Catholic for more than a decade when my wife and I did Alpha. At Alpha we were able to rediscover faith. We were then invited to join a parish small group. There the formula was very similar to Alpha with worship, prayer and time for sharing. I was able to talk about things in my life with others in a non-judgmental, intimate setting but more importantly I realised I was able to help others and that gave me great joy. I feel part of the parish community now; I have developed close friendships and really look forward to our Sunday evening masses.’
我和我的妻子做 啟發 時,我已經成為一名墮落的天主教徒十多年了。 在啟發 中,我們能夠重新發現信仰。 然後我們被邀請加入一個教區小組。 那裡的形式與啟發非常相似,包括敬拜、祈禱和分享時間。 我能夠在不帶批判、親密的環境中與他人談論我生活中的事情,但更重要的是我意識到我能夠幫助他人,這給了我很大的快樂。 我現在覺得自己是教區社區的一部分; 我已經建立了親密的友誼,真的很期待我們週日晚上的彌撒。
Create a Game Plan for Your Parish
Developing a plan for evangelisation and discipleship is essential for parishes to grow and be healthy. Forming missionary disciples will not happen unless there is an intentional process in place.
Each parish’s plan for evangelization and discipleship will vary depending on the size, location and financial situation of the parish.
A good example of this kind of planning is the ‘game plan’ which Father James Mallon describes in his book Divine Renovation. This plan is not linear but more like a recipe with seven key ingredients that overlap at various points.
制定傳福音和門徒訓練計劃,對於牧區的成長和健康非常重要。 除非有一個有意識的過程,否則不會發生傳教士門徒的形成。
這種計劃的一個很好的例子是詹姆斯·馬隆神父在他的書《神聖改造》中描述的“遊戲計劃”。 這個計劃不是線性的,而是更像是一個包含在不同點重疊的七種關鍵成分的食譜。
You can read more about the ‘game plan’ and how Saint Benedict Parish in Canada include Alpha as part of a wider discipleship and evangelisation process.
您可以閱讀有關“遊戲計劃”的更多訊息,以及加拿大的聖本尼迪克特教區如何將 啟發 納入更廣泛的門徒訓練和傳福音過程的一部分。
Resources available for the ‘Learning’ part of the process:
CaFE (Catholic Faith Exploration)
Developed a range of resources on faith formation, Sacraments and youth ministry.
A resource for young people to continue their journey through Confirmation and of faith formation.
Great Adventure – Bible Timeline
A study program designed to help Catholics grow in confidence in reading and understanding the Bible and how it applies to their daily lives.
Walking with Purpose
A Catholic Bible study program for women that link everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.