A way to inspire and equip young people to share their faith 一種激勵和裝備年輕人認識、分享信仰的方式
A simple way to set the scene
for faith conversations 簡單的方法來建立分享信仰的平台
The Alpha Youth Series is a collection of interactive sessions that create a space, online or in person, where young people are excited to invite their friends to discuss the big questions about life and faith. The Alpha Youth Series is loved by young people all over the world, super easy to run, and completely free!
青年啟發系列是一系列互動課程,建立了一個線上或面對面的平台,年輕人很高興邀請他們的朋友討論關於生活和信仰的重大問題。 青年啟發系列深受全世界年輕人的喜愛,容易進行,且完全免費!
With Alpha, we help you build a series of sessions that include:透過啟發,我們可以幫助您建立一系列課程,其中包括:

Whether it’s a meal, snacks, or a game over Zoom, every session of Alpha Youth makes time for connection.
無論是用餐、點心還是在 Zoom 上玩遊戲,青年啟發的每一集都會有時間來彼此連結,建立關係。

All 13 episodes of the Alpha Youth Series are available for free. Each episode teaches a different topic of the Christian faith with discussion breaks throughout.
青年啟發系列的所有 13 集都是免費提供的。 每一集都教導不同的基督教信仰主题,並貫穿整個討論環節。

Alpha Youth is a safe space for young people to ask questions and say what they think. Nothing is off-limits.
青年啟發系列是一个安全的平台,讓年輕人可以提出問題並說出他們的想法。 沒有什麼是禁止的。