啟發是教會用來創造空間和文化的資源,人們很高興邀請他們的朋友參與關於耶穌的對話。 Alpha 幾乎可以在任何地方由世界各地所有傳統的基督徒運行——從教堂大廳到餐廳或在線,並對客人和教會社區產生持久影響。
我們估計有超過 2500 萬人在全球 140 多個國家和 100 多種語言中體驗過 Alpha。

連結 Connection
Whether it’s a group of friends gathered around a kitchen table, or a quick online catch-up, times of connecting are important. It’s no different at Alpha.
無論是圍坐在餐桌旁的一群朋友,還是快速的線上交流,連結時間都很重要。 在啟發也不例外。
Whether in person over a meal or virtually with a cup of tea, all sessions start with a time to connect, relax and build friendships.

內容 Content
The Alpha talks are designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”
啟發課程目標在吸引各行各業的人們並引起對話。 他們探索生活和信仰的重大問題,解開基督教信仰的基礎,解決諸如“耶穌是誰?”、“我為什麼以及如何禱告?”等問題。 以及“上帝如何引導我們?”

對話 Conversation
One of the most important parts of any Alpha: the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and discuss in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything and there’s nothing you can’t say.
在任何啟發課程最重要的部分之一:有機會分享關於這次主題的想法和思考,並在小組中進行討論。 沒有一定要說什麼,也沒有什麼不能說的。
It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment.
開辦啟發的三種方式 3 ways to run Alpha

實體 In Person
In churches, cafes, prisons, schools, at home, anywhere people can gather, Alpha can run.
You can enjoy meals together, watch the Alpha talks together, and sit around a table, classroom, or lounge room to have a safe and honest conversation.

線上 Online
Did you know that Alpha is just as effective online? Until COVID-19, Alpha was all run in person. Now churches all around the world are running Alpha online for people who are unable to meet in person due to a wide variety of reasons.
您知道啟發在線上也同樣有效嗎? 在 COVID-19 之前,啟發都是實體進行的。 現在,世界各地的教會都在為因各種原因為無法實體見面的人進行線上啟發。

混合 Hybrid
Alpha is adaptable. You can start Alpha in person with full confidence that should circumstances change, you will be able to move online with ease for you and your participants.
啟發很彈性。 您可以滿懷信心地實體進行啟發,如果情況發生變化,您也能夠為您和您的來賓輕鬆地線上進行課程。