The Marriage Course Builder 婚姻課程資源中心

Welcome! We’re so excited you are interested in running a Marriage or Pre-Marriage course, and the Parenting courses for those in your community. 歡迎你!我們非常開心,你有興趣為著你的社區人士,舉辦美滿婚姻或美滿婚姻預備課程和親子教育課程。

After creating an account on The Marriage Course Builder, you will have access to all materials, training and resources related to running The Marriage Courses and The Parenting Courses, including downloads of the latest series. To get an idea of how the Marriage Course Builder works, please watch our walk-through video below.Microsoft Office Translator

婚姻課程資源中心建立帳號後,你將存取與開辦美滿婚姻課程和親子教育課程相關的所有材料、訓練和資源,包括下載最新系列的影片。想要瞭解 婚姻課程資源中心的事工理念,請觀看下面的示範影片。

Ready to run a course? Click on the link below. 準備好開始一個課程了嗎? 請按 以下的連結。

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