Equipping your parish in its mission to help people encounter Jesus 裝備您的教區幫助人們認識耶穌

In 2019, over 5,600 Catholic parishes and organisations around the world ran Alpha with an estimated 310,000 participants.
2019 年,全球超過 5,600 個天主教堂區和組織舉辦了啟發活動,估計有 310,000 名參與者。

Watch this short video to find out more about the impact of Alpha around the world.

What is Alpha? 啟發是什麼?

Alpha is a parish tool for evangelisation where everyone is welcome. The same Alpha content is run all over the world, by Christians of all traditions, sharing the good news of Jesus. Each session has three key ingredients:
啟發是一個教區傳福音的工具,歡迎所有人。 相同的啟發內容在世界各地進行,由所有基督徒分享耶穌的好消息。 每個課程都包含三個關鍵要素:

Hospitality 款待

Whether in person over a meal or virtually with a cup of tea, all sessions start with a time to connect, relax, and build friendships. Eating food together creates space for people to connect and share life on a deeper level.
無論是面對面用餐還是透過線上喝杯茶,所有課程都以建立連結、放鬆和建立友誼開始。 一起吃飯為人們創造了更深入的連結和分享生活的空間。

Talk 對話

The Alpha talks are designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”
啟發課程目標在吸引各行各業的人們並引起對話。 他們探索生活和信仰的重大問題,解開基督教信仰的基礎,解決諸如“耶穌是誰?”、“我為什麼以及如何禱告?”等問題。 以及“上帝如何引導我們?”


The discussion time is an opportunity for people to respond to the talk, hear from others, and contribute their own perspective in an honest, friendly, and open environment.

Alpha offers a very human, nonthreatening door for everyone to enter. I encourage people to try this model of evangelisation.
啟發為每個人提供了一個非常人性化的、容易入門方式。 我鼓勵人們嘗試這種傳福音的模式。

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle,
Archbishop of Manila 馬尼拉總教區總主教

Alpha is not a silver bullet; it’s a tool. When used as part of a larger pastoral strategy, it is the best tool that I’ve found for jump-starting and sustaining parish renewal.
啟發不是靈丹妙藥; 是一個工具。 當成為更大的牧區策略的一部分時,它是我發現的用於啟動和維持教區轉化的最佳工具。

Fr James Mallon,
Author and founder of Divine Renovation

We have lost the art of evangelising those who don’t know the gospel at all. Alpha is re-training us how to do that.
我們已經失去了向根本不了解福音的人傳福音的藝術。 啟發正在重新培訓我們如何做到這一點。

Doctor Mary Healy,
Professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit

Explore More

Parish Impact 教區的影響

Alpha in the life of your parish教區生活中的啟發

View Impact 查看影響

Catholic Stories天主教故事

Watch stories of transformation 觀看轉型故事

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Endorsements 見證

See who recommends Alpha看看誰推薦了啟發

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After Alpha 跟進

Alpha is just the beginning. Once guests experience Alpha, they understand who Jesus is and can start to explore their relationship with Him.

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