Alpha Online 線上啟發
Engage with people who wouldn’t usually come to church – online. 與平常不會來教堂的人接觸——線上啟發。
Alpha online uses the exact same content as the in-person Alpha, the only difference is that it is hosted fully in a digital space. There is still a talk and small group discussions, with the option of sharing a virtual meal with guests before the talk.
線上啟發使用面對面與實體啟發完全相同的內容,唯一的區別是它完全在線上平台進行。 仍然有談話和小組討論,可以選擇在聊天前與來賓分享大家所吃的食物。
Alpha online allows churches to take evangelism to a new space – the digital space, with the intention to reach further and wider by empowering the congregation to create more opportunities for more people to hear about the gospel.
The three ingredients of Alpha 啟發課程的三大要素

Getting to know one another through conversation.

Learning together from the Alpha video talks.

Everyone having a chance to share their thoughts and questions.
The Online Experience線上體驗課程
Churches who have run Alpha online have seen significant impact on the guests and leaders who took part.
“We were blown away with the consistent attendance and immediate transparency in the breakout rooms (small groups). From that single, last-minute online course, six people chose to be baptized. God is moving; even online!” -Westminster Chapel, USA
感到震驚。 在最後一分鐘的線上課程中,有六個人選擇了受洗。 上帝在動工; 甚至在線上也動工!” –威斯敏斯特修道院,美國
- Alpha online opens the door of your church to new people who would never have come on Alpha otherwise 線上啟發為你的教會打開了大門,否則他們將永遠不會加入啟發
- Guests are more likely to keep coming back consistently session after each session 來賓更有可能在每次參與後不斷回來
- Alpha online engages and mobilizes young people in an even greater capacity 線上啟發有更大吸引力和推動讓年輕人更容易參與
- Alpha online develops long-term disciples and leaders in your church 線上啟發幫助您的教會中培養長期的門徒和領袖
- Alpha online can be mobilized quickly with minimal resources 線上啟發可以用最少的資源快速動員起來
Thousands of churches have run Alpha online, why not give it a go today?
Contact us or your local National Alpha Office now to learn more.
數以千計的教會已經在線上開辦啟發,為什麼今天不試一試呢? 立即聯繫我們或您當地的國家啟發辦公室以了解更多信息。

Training 培訓
Alpha training is currently run online and taking place all around the world. Visit your local Alpha office’s website for more information on training in your area.
啟發培訓目前線上進行,並在世界各地進行。 搜尋您當地啟發辦公室的網站,了解有關您所在地區培訓的更多信息。
Precautionary Measures 防範措施
In addition to adhering to locally recommended health practices, we also want all our Alpha courses run online to be safe places where church communities can host a series of interactive sessions allowing guests to explore their questions about life, faith and God in a welcoming, judgement-free and safe environment. Please see some of our recommendations:
除了遵守培訓規則外,我們還希望我們所有線上開辦課程都成為安全的地方,教會社區可以在這裡舉辦一系列互動課程,讓來賓以歡迎、敞開的方式探索他們對生活、信仰和上帝的問題 – 自由和安全的環境。 請參閱我們的一些建議:
Alpha and Alpha for Youth are committed to taking all necessary steps to ensure our ministry is Online/E-Safety aware and competent. Please see more information here.
啟發課程和青年啟發致力於採取一切必要措施,以確認我們的事工了解線上/資訊安全防護。 請在此處查看更多信息。
E-safety & Security 往復防護與安全性
If you are running Alpha or Alpha Youth online, please take all the necessary steps to ensure you as the church or ministry are Online/E-Safety aware and competent.
Protection of Vulnerable Peoples 保護弱勢群體
E-Safety is the collective term for safeguarding (protecting vulnerable individuals) involving the use of mobile phones, computers (including laptops, netbooks, tablets) and other electronic devices including games consoles, to communicate and access the internet, emails, text messages, instant messaging, social networking sites and other social media.
網路安全防護是(保護易受傷害的個人)的統稱,涉及使用手機、電腦(包括筆記型電腦、上網本、平板電腦)和其他電子設備(包括遊戲機)進行通信和訪問互聯網、電子郵件、短信、 即時消息、社交網站和其他社交媒體。

Digital Solutions 線上通訊平台
If churches are not able to physically run an Alpha course, we recommend moving Alpha online! We firmly believe that as churches innovate in these unforeseen circumstances, God can reach an even greater number of people.
教會無法實體進行啟發課程,我們建議將啟發移到線上! 我們堅信,隨著教會在這些不可預知的情況下進行創新,上帝可以接觸更多的人。

1. Find an Online Solution 1. 尋找線上通訊平台
There are many great solutions online that will allow churches to play a video and have a discussion time. Some services we recommend are Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Skype.
*We’re excited to also announce that we will be launching Alpha Now in January 2022 – our very own video conferencing platform that will be integrated with MyAlpha for a unique Alpha experience!
網上有許多很棒的視訊會議平台,可以讓教會播放影片並進行討論。 我們推薦的一些平台是 Zoom、Google Hangouts 和 Skype。
*我們還很高興地宣布,我們將在 2022 年 1 月推出 Alpha Now——我們自己的視訊會議平台,它將與 MyAlpha 整合,獨一無二的啟發體驗!